This week, we have seen what Democrats are really made of.
First, they omitted any reference to our creator, and then booed adding back the mere mention of God in their party platform. God is mentioned in the Declaration of Independence. I imagine these same people would boo the Declaration as well.
Another thing that was revealing was just how much liberals love abortion. They are not pro-choice. They are pro-abortion. Even worse, they fully affirmed that they are completely in favor of taxpayer-funded abortion.
Dubbed by some as the “abortion convention”, nearly every speaker mentioned abortion in a positive manner, including Obama and Biden. We already knew that Obama is a proponent of infanticide. He voted against protections for babies accidentally born alive while he was in the Illinois Senate, ensuring that babies born alive during a failed abortion in Illinois will continue to be left in a janitors closet to slowly die.
The presidents of both pro-abortion NARAL and Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion mill in the country were given speaking slots. These are both single issue groups, and their inclusion on the agenda speaks to Democrats’ dedication to promoting abortion.
The Democrat platform does not contain any language condemning partial-birth abortion. I can not think of an act more barbaric and evil then jamming an instrument into a babies brain to kill it, and then claiming that since not every part of the baby came out of her mother, then it is OK because that means it wasn’t a person. But that’s exactly what Democrats protect with fervor.
Their platform also continues to omit past statements that they believe abortion should be rare. They used to say that Democrats want abortion to be safe, legal and rare, as recently as 2004. No more. Not since Barack Obama was on the ticket. The very notion that abortion should be rare is objectionable to Democrats. The only logical conclusion is that they prefer abortion to be frequent.
They also dispelled the myth that they don’t believe that taxpayers should be forced to pay for the murder of unborn children. We were told that Obamacare would not pay for abortion. That was another lie. From their approved platform:
“The Democratic Party strongly and unequivocally supports Roe v. Wade and a woman’s right to make decisions regarding her pregnancy, including a safe and legal abortion, regardless of ability to pay,” the platform states. “We oppose any and all efforts to weaken or undermine that right.”
In other words, they believe in the right to a free, taxpayer-funded abortion.
Finally, check out the reactions to the closing prayer last night, where Cardinal Timothy Dolan prayed for the unborn:
“Thus do we praise you for the gift of life,” Dolan intoned. “Grant us the courage to defend it, life, without which no other rights are secure. We ask your benediction on those waiting to be born, that they may be welcomed and protected.”
This infuriated Democrats, who took to Twitter in droves and dropped F-bombs on Dolan.
Through their President, their convention, their official platform and their reaction to a prayer asking for the protection of unborn babies, the Democratic Party has made their position on abortion plain for all to see.
Democrats. LOVE. Abortion.