Yesterday, Jake reported how renowned political science professor Larry Sabato described the Ed Fitzgerald campaign: Amateur Hour. Which is the exact same phrase we used weeks ago.
Now there’s another indicator that it’s amateur hour at the top of Ohio Democrats’ ticket. They are blaming the media.
In an interview with the Youngstown Vindicator’s David Skolnik, Fitzgerald complained about how Eric Kearney’s debts were reported.
“No distinction was made between Eric’s personal financial situation and the companies’ indebtedness.”
“My answer is this is not a standard that was applied before. On a going-forward basis, I am assuming [business] financial issues applies to everyone on the Republican ticket.”
The Plain Dealer’s Henry Gomez notes that Ohio Democratic Party Chairman and pirate wannabe Chris Redfern is blaming the media too.
Julie Carr Smyth of the Associated Press reports on the email the former Lakewood mayor sent to backers Wednesday. In her story, she notes that Ohio Democratic Party Chairman Chris Redfern is placing some of the blame on the reporters who uncovered the unpaid taxes owed by Kearney, his wife and the publishing company they own.
ODP Communications Director Jerid Kurtz went the furthest in lashing out, effectively calling WKSU’s Karen Kasler a liar. On Twitter, Matt Borges linked to her article about Gerald Austin saying Fitzgerald should quit. When he referred to Austin as a Democratic consultant exactly the way Kasler did in her article, Kurtz replied harshly.
“Liar. Not dem consultant. Consultant to GOP & Matt Dolan, @FitzGeraldForOH 2010 opponent. Sweaty sweaty on Econ. Stop lying
Ed Fitzgerald’s campaign so far is such a disaster, it seems have to Ohio Democrats cracking up and pointing fingers at the media. That’s probably not a strategy they should continue.