
Maybe their phones, e-mails, twitter, courier service, and mouths stopped working.

Whoever is in charge at the White House Office of Legislative Affairs needs to consider taking an extended vacation.

This should never, ever, ever, ever, ever happen.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on Thursday scrapped a bipartisan jobs bill unveiled hours earlier that had been endorsed by the White House, in a jarring miscommunication between the Obama administration and Democratic congressional leaders.

Reid said Thursday afternoon that he would not introduce a bill made public Thursday morning by Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus, Montana Democrat, and ranking committee member Sen. Charles Grassley, Iowa Republican.

The Democratic leader of the Senate abandoned the bill after hearing complaints from within his own caucus, but only after the White House had already endorsed the Baucus and Grassley bill in the early afternoon.

The lack of communication is downright astonishing.

To the Democratic leadership, thanks for being such complete and inept morons.

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