Yesterday, State Representative Connie Pillich announced her anticipated campaign for Treasurer of the State:
State Rep. Connie Pillich, a Democrat from the Cincinnati area known for spoiling Tea Party dreams, has found her next target: Ohio Treasurer Josh Mandel.
Pillich told The Plain Dealer she officially will declare her candidacy for treasurer Monday.
The Ohio Republican Party put out a statement criticizing the move, calling out Pillich for supporting policies that put Ohio in an $8 billion budget hole. That alone should have sent up red flags for Ohio Democrats, particularly since it’s those very same policies that sent former-Governor Ted Strickland packing in 2010.
But what should have really set off the alarm bells was that Pillich couldn’t handle a congressional race, let alone a statewide campaign bid:
State Rep. Connie Pillich, the Montgomery Democrat who had been planning a run for Congress in 2012, has decided to run for re-election to her 28th Ohio House District seat instead.
Pillich dropped out of her 2012 U.S. House bid, and we’re supposed to think she has what it takes to run a campaign 16 times larger than that? And even if she could beat a seasoned candidate and well-respected policymaker like Josh Mandel, does someone who can’t even handle a congressional race sound like someone who can run a statewide office?
Sounds to me like Ohio Democrats might be reaching…
Pillich is just the latest addition to the 2014 Democrat D-Team. First, there’s Ed FicksGerald, the corrupt diva with no name recognition and a glass jaw. Then there’s the overly ambitious rich kid in David Pepper who got spanked in 2010. And of course, who can forget about Sen. Nina Turner, the person breaking election law that wants to, well, control election laws.
Seriously, where did ODP Chairman Pirate-Man come up with these candidates?