
With Gov. Strickland, self-interest trumps virtue.

The Strickland campaign is currently rolling out their worn out media strategy of asking local politicians across the state to attack John Kasich. This time it’s about his tax returns.

Lest we forget, yesterday we learned the person Ted Strickland appointed to be in charge of the public safety of the entire state was found to be lying to the Inspector General in a cover-up of a scandal that is making statewide news.

And the Governor says no punishment is warranted. No stern words were issued. Everything’s just fine.

But that John Kasich guy?!? We should have the right to find out how successful he was by looking at his tax returns.

To quote Will Ferrell in Zoolander, “I feel like I’m taking crazy pills!”

Fortunately, it seems the Ohio media understands where the real story lies.

And as we all know, coverage is everything.

Here are the screencaps of articles appearing on the front page of the Columbus Dispatch, Dayton Daily News, Toledo Blade, and Cincinnati Enquirer.

On top of that, Matt over at Right Ohio embedded some of the TV coverage that knocked the snot out of the Governor and his staff.

Strickland’s defense of these aides that lied under oath is nothing but Nixonian. The media must demand why these kinds of gross violations should go unchallenged. What are these officials hiding that Strickland can’t risk throwing them under the bus?

Despite all the other broken promises of the Strickland Administration, this may be the straw that broke the camels back. As voters learn more about this scandal, they’ll come to lose trust in the Governor for abandoning the principles he promised to uphold.

We all know the right thing to do is to fire Cathy Collins-Taylor. But Governor Strickland is letting his own self-interest trump virtue.

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