Well, technically this is 2,009, but who’s counting.
Last week, 3BP celebrated it’s two year anniversary, and now we’ve already surpassed 2000 posts.
In 2010 this blog has already averaged 125 posts a month, and we’re not even to the Fall yet.
That’s what I call prolific…and far much more content than I ever imagined when I first started this blog in the middle of the 2008 Presidential season.
3BP actually started at the behest of my then girlfriend, now fiancee. Maybe she wanted me to stop shouting at the TV and put my thoughts into written word. Or maybe she just wanted me to do something that I knew and loved….talking politics. Or maybe both. Either way, I thank her for helping me find a most rewarding and tiring hobby.
At the end of the day, 3BP has become far bigger than I ever imagined and I have you, my readers, to thank for it.
And now, back to our regularly scheduled programming of bashing Democrats.