The mountain facing Democrats in this political environment was difficult enough as it was.
And now they have Ohio’s Jo Ann Davidson coming after them. And Mike Duncan. And Ed Gillespie. And Karl Rove.
As troubles at the Republican National Committee continue, a group of former Republican officials are starting an outside political group that could compete with the RNC for wealthy donors and prominence.
The group, American Crossroads, hopes to raise $52 million from wealthy Republicans and corporations, according to officials involved with the organization. The goal is to mount an independent campaign to help Republican candidates win in the November elections.
The importance of this development is hard to understate.
This isn’t just some flash in the pan outside Independent group. This is an organization run by some of the brightest and well connected GOP minds in the business.
Of course, Democrats will cry foul and complain about the GOP tainting the process with big dollars.
Fine. Go cry to your labor unions and George Soros.