Yep. Four weeks. That’s all it took for the Strickland Administration to start backing off the no new taxes pledge taken at the State of the State last month. [yes, we’ll ignore all the Governor’s ‘fee’ increases just for this post]
Per the Dayton Daily News:
Is the Strickland administration backing off a bit on the governor’s vow not to raise taxes in tough times?On Wednesday, Feb. 25, Rep. Tyrone Yates, D-Cincinnati, asked budget director Pari Sabety if it “wouldn’t make good sense” for the state to take a look at hiking taxes on “other tobacco products” – chewing tobacco, snuff, cigars and smoking tobacco – to pay for a tobacco cessation program to helps hold down Medicaid costs.
Asked about Strickland’s “no tax hike” vow, she said “that’s correct.”
Does the vow apply to the tobacco tax, she was asked.
“You know, you’ve got to look at what’s out there,” she said.
Good. Because working-class Ohioans really need more money out of their pockets. That is EXACTLY what would help them right about now.
I guess, just like Obama, Strickland’s promises come with an expiration date.