For my last post of 2009, I figured I’d post a compilation of some of my favorite and most important posts of the year.
Thanks again to my ever growing legion of readers. 2010 will bring with it a few new developments here in the land of Third Base Politics as well as, good Lord willing, a new Governor in Ohio.
And without any further adieu, here’s 2009…
- Props to the House Minority for staying united against the stimulus. This will be HUGELY important going into 2010.
- My first official OSHIT moment.
- A very simple explanation of the free-market system.
- Portman kicks off his Senate campaign
- 3BP is one of the first to highlight the enormous importance of the VA/NJ gubernatorial elections from a national perspective
- We respond to critics of Kasich’s timing for announcing his candidacy
- Stimulus: The Movie
- 3BP youtube on Obama’s “shattered dreams” hits the big time
- Twitter finally wins me over when Jake Tapper decides to acknowledge my existance
- South Park explains how government is fixing the financial crisis
- We have some fun with Jennifer Brunner’s Gerrymandering Game
- Our Youtube of Mary Jo Kilroy doesn’t make her very happy
- Giving Obama credit where credit is due on demagoguery
- 3BP gives public officials and talking heads some free advice
- “Obama’s stimulus is a failure”
- In a post picked up by Hot Air, we highlight how the stimulus is Obama’s WMD moment
- Earned media proves more potent than paid media when the Plain Dealer hits Strickland
- The most accurate headline ever
- Looking at the Supply and Demand of Ohio’s brain drain
- 3BP is first to break rumor that DeWine was ready to file for Attorney General
- One of my fave 3BP youtubes hits Strickland hard: Had You Known…
- Taking a tough look at how Strickland has abandoned the foundation of Turnaround Ohio – Early Education
- The Stimulus everyone forgets: Ohio’s Stimulus
- Who are the best pollsters?
- I saw the lights on the goodyear blimp – it said Strickland hired a pimp.
- Strickland blocks me on twitter
- 3BP breaks the Jello Ted story and watches as it goes national.
- The Facepalm Presidency
- We discover that Turnaround Ohio is for sale
- Will equivocating Portman with Bush work? (hint: no)
- I’m still blocked from following Ted on twitter
- And I’m actually from Kenya
- 3BP is the first to break news that Strickland plans to raise taxes
- Providing yet more evidence that Bush attacks won’t seriously damage Portman
- How Strickland’s decision to raise taxes will play in 2010
- 1000 posts? Wow.
- Kanye interrupts Jello Ted
- My 9/11 story
- 3BP youtube: Hitler is mad at Ted Strickland
- Paula Brooks really doesn’t like the 12th congressional district
- Strickland wants to win political points on education – that’s a bad idea
- The Governor dives into the health care debate
- Yet another to add to the long list of Strickland Administration staff screw-ups
- Brunner’s fundraising secret revealed
- Want to start a small business? Avoid Ohio. Everyone else is.
- Ted Strickland has cut education. Period.
- Where’s John Kasich’s plan? Ted knows.
- And I’m still blocked from following @Ted_Strickland
- Strickland hires director of ‘Johnny Appleweed’ to run Ohio Film Office
- 3BP gives a lesson on the minutiae of modern politics
- The big game changer in the Ohio gubernatorial election
- Ted Strickland’s best case scenario on unemployment
- National pollsters tell me Strickland’s in a world of hurt
- How Ted Strickland forced higher taxes to save Ohio libraries
- Should incumbents be afraid in 2010, or just Democrats?
- Marco Rubio is going to win
- The NJ/VA results portend bad news for Strickland
- Kasich & Lehman Brothers: The Definitive Word
- Paula Brooks can’t spell
- Craig James rumor gives me the most hits I’ve ever received….from Texas
- 17.5% that could swing Ohio
- New poll shows Kasich up NINE points
- Paula Brooks has the slowest moving trucks ever.
- Portman’s credentials show how ridiculous Bush attacks really are – Just ask Ted & Lee.
- And yes, I’m STILL blocked from following Ted on twitter
I know….if this was a greatest hits album it would be several volumes too big. Ah well.
Thanks again for reading and I hope you have a safe & happy new year!
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