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Third Base Politics


960 days.

News from the AP today about Strickland and education in Ohio:

Ohio releases the first state report cards for school districts since Gov. Ted Strickland appointed a new state superintendent and announced his education policy overhaul.

The scores being released Tuesday will serve as the benchmark for how much Strickland accomplishes in fixing the state’s ailing public school system.

So today is the starting point for judging Ted Strickland’s plan for education?

Today? Really?

960 days after his inauguration?

Aren’t you a little late, Guv?

I know it takes time to devise ways to back out on your promise to encourage early education by actually gutting their program, but 960 days? Really?

I’m getting the feeling you aren’t very good at this Governor-thing, Ted.

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Third Base Politics is an Ohio-centric conservative blog that has been featured at Hot Air, National Review, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, and others.


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