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Third Base Politics


A corrupt union official?!? I don’t believe it!

That’s sarcasm, of course.

With big labor contributing heavily to Ted Strickland and Ohio House Democrats, and big labor spending 100s of thousands of dollars on television ads for Ted Strickland, one has to wonder just how ticked off the union thugs will be at this guy…

We all know how ethical AFSCME is as a political organization….which is not very much….so this should come as no surprise.

The question is whether the bosses in AFSCME will break both of this guy’s knees or just one.

After all, that’s $11k in ads that can’t be run to help Ted Strickland.

And not surprisingly, it appears Mr. Jones has been quite the contributor to Ohio Democrats over the years.

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Third Base Politics is an Ohio-centric conservative blog that has been featured at Hot Air, National Review, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, and others.


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