Stories have been circulating throughout the MSM the past week or so about Obama’s sinking approval rating. NPR, of all organizations, even have him down to 53 in their poll.
But things may be looking up.
And it would be the fault of Republicans.
As I’ve discussed before, the Birther movement provided the left with ammo to paint the right as extremist nutcases – an identifier not very much appreciated by the vital Indepedent swing voters.
But as that dies down, the right’s even more recent efforts to paint Obama as racist or racial opportunist may be the key to turning around those approval ratings.
Without getting into the merit behind the accusations, Glenn Beck’s tirade and Michelle Malkin’s interview with Matt Lauer this morning have both provided the left with all the firepower they need to distract from the issues that have been most damaging to Obama and refocus the debate for the left.
Theirs is a game of personal politics.
“Forget the issues, they’re attacking our guy. We told ya they were jerks.”
This refocusing has worked time and time again in politics.
The fact is, Republicans didn’t honestly expect Obama’s ratings to turn so quickly. They had hopes, but the reality of the matter was a shock. They saw blood in the water and they pounced.
Unfortunately, many don’t know when their tummy’s should be full.
Obama’s actions with the Gates mess spoke well enough on their own. Taking it to the next level has provided the left with an opportunity to bounce Obama back.
If his ratings start to turn over the next month, that will provide Obama with the political capital he may need to finally push through the health care package he’s been wanting.
Stay focused, GOPers. Win the issues.