Ohio conservatives may have found themselves a new hero.
Warren County Commissioner David Young made headlines today by refusing to accept federal stimulus dollars.
Commissioners have refused $373,000 in stimulus money to buy three new transit buses and make other improvements to the fleet, citing philosophical objections to the spending.
The Ohio Department of Transportation says it’s the only rejection the agency is aware of.
Warren County also wants to return $1.8 million in stimulus funding for replacing windows and roofs on government buildings to make them more energy efficient.
Commissioner David Young says the county won’t spend stimulus money on things it doesn’t need.
‘Atta boy, Commish. That’s how doing the right thing can get your name in papers.
Warren County is now represented by Jean Schmidt and Mike Turner in Congress. Turner had a American Conservative Rating of only 63 in 2008. If Rep. Turner keeps that up, he may find someone more than happy to replace him.