If you live in Oberlin, I give you two choices.
1) Move.
Oberlin students haven’t said the Pledge of Allegiance as part of their school day in about 30 years, and the school board decided this week not to have them start reciting it any time soon.
The district considered changing the decades-old policy at a parent’s suggestion, but only if it could come up with a way to satisfy those who supported the move and those who did not.
The measure was only up for a first reading. If the board members had voted in favor of the proposal they would then have gone on to vote on whether to adopt the policy at a subsequent meeting. But three of the five board members voted to throw out the proposal.
But Paula Jones said at the end of the meeting that she hadn’t understood what she was voting on. When she learned that her vote meant the policy would no longer be considered, she sunk in her chair and covered her eyes with her hand.