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Third Base Politics


Are they or aren’t they?

Since the New York Times inferred it a few days ago, there’s been quite a few rumors about the DCCC pulling out of races like Mary Jo Kilroy’s and focusing their resources on more winnable races.

And coverage like this on MSNBC of all places doesn’t help:

On cue, Chris Van Hollen, chairman of the DCCC sent out a fundraising appeal to Kilroy supporters enthusiastically stating their commitment to the race.

Yeah, right.

Van Hollen’s plea is as transparent as when pretty much the exact same thing happened in 2006 – except it was just on the opposite side. RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman was forced to respond to claims that the national GOP was pulling out of Ohio. Of course, it was true. But to admit as such would have shown weakness and damaged GOP efforts far beyond Ohio. After all, you can’t go around throwing up a white flag and still expect any respect elsewhere.

In all honesty, the DCCC pulling out of the Kilroy, Driehaus, and Boccieri races is exactly the right thing to do. Surrender those that are lost and focus on what you can hold. Trying to save everyone is just foolish.

But, of course, these are Democrats we’re talking about.

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Third Base Politics is an Ohio-centric conservative blog that has been featured at Hot Air, National Review, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, and others.


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