In one of the best worst movies in the past twenty years, From Dusk ‘Til Dawn, Harvey Keitel plays a preacher who has lost his way. Keitel and his two kids get kidnapped by George Clooney and his brother Quentin Tarantino as the two criminals attempt to flee to Mexico.
Once they cross the border they enter an old trucker bar where Clooney can’t help but continue to cause a ruckus and have an attitude, despite the fact that they’ve escaped the cops and gotten away scott free [well, sans the vampires, but that’s superfluous for the purpose of this post……and I told you it was a bad movie].
As Clooney scowls, Keitel leans over:
Harvey: Are you so much a f***ing loser, you can’t tell when you’ve won?
George: What did you call me?
Harvey: Nothing. I didn’t make a statement. I asked a question. Would you like me to ask it again?
George: Umm-hmm.
Harvey: Are you such a loser you can’t tell when you’ve won?
And that’s the question I’d like to ask Armond Budish.
Are you such a loser you can’t tell when you’ve won?
Senate Leader and Republican Bill Harris offered the following budget solution to the House:
Harris, R-Ashland, has offered to provide five votes to delay the 4.2-percent income tax cut that took effect this year, in exchange for some extras, including changes to Ohio’s 132-year-old public construction laws and some criminal sentencing reforms, such as more ability for prisoners to get out early through earned credit, and reduced mandatory drug sentences.
The income tax plan would fill an $851 million budget hole.
Budish’s reaction?
He said no.
Budish claims the changes to the public construction laws should be revisited at another time.
In other words, “screw you, Bill.”
The crazy part? Governor Strickland is supportive of the changes.
So even though the Governor and the Senate are ready to pass the budget, the House wants to hold things up likely because some labor unions said that the public construction laws have to stay put, even though their reform could save the state up to $300 million.
In other words, unions are holding House Democrats hostage.
And considering the damage to Ted Strickland increases with each additional day without a budget solution, I imagine the Governor is awfully pissed off at Speaker Armond Budish right about now.
The fact is this, House Dems – you aren’t going to get much more of a victory than this. You were able to get a few squishy Republicans to support the tax hike – so be happy and take it.
Each day this budget goes without a solution, the more likely Harris is to pull it and let the Senate conservatives give it a go – so by all means, Mr. Speaker, keep stalling.