A couple days ago I asked for readers to e-mail me about their recent experiences seeing John Kasich speak…
Well, it turns out he made quite an impression in Noble County on April 17th.
My wife Pam and I attended the Noble County Lincoln Day Dinner last Friday evening. John Kasich was their keynote speaker. They had a great crowd attending and I believe that was the first Lincoln Dinner they have held in several years. I am from Belmont County but have heard that Noble county is still buzzing in the barber shops (no pun intended), the restaurants, etc., about Kasich’s visit to their county. It is refreshing to hear someone in the political field tell it like it is. There is light at the end of the tunnel, especially if John Kasich does decide to run for Governor. I am encouraged. Let’s pray he does.
I would like to take the opportunity to let you know what you missed if you were not able to attend the Noble County Lincoln Day Dinner. John Kasich gave an enthusiastic speech to the group with an inspiring message of how when you ask, you just might receive! John encourages everyone to leave every situation better than you found it. I have been a long time admirer of John and his motto of “Stand for Something”! I was moved by being in attendance and I know many others were as well. It would be an enormous blessing to Ohioans for John to run for Governor for this great state!
I was lucky enough to be able to attend Noble County’s Lincoln Day Dinner at the last minute thanks to one of my friends who invited me to tag along. Little did I know that John Kasich was in attendance that night and the main speaker of the night as well. During John’s speech he told a story of when he was 18 years old and he wanted to make a difference on something he was passionate about so he wrote a letter to the President of the United States about it. He was very surprised when we recieved an actual invite from the President himself to go to Washington D.C. and meet with him. That just showed to me personally that even though I am a 19 year old, I can make a difference and stand up for what is right in not only my county, but in my state and country as well!
Thanks to Kent, Rachel and Dustin for writing in. These three folks are perfect examples of why Kasich’s tour of Lincoln Day Dinners is going to pay off so well when he officially kicks off his campaign. While speaking to thousands of activists that support his cause, he has lit a fire under them that will provide the grassroots swell that is necessary to win a statewide campaign.