Just received this heads up from Team Kasich:
“Ohioans are coming out very strong for John and Mary. The campaign’s fundraising is going exceptionally well because Ohioans know that we must have new, better leadership, and that with John and Mary we’ll deliver it–to create jobs, to transform state government, and to bring prosperity back to Ohio.
“What’s also remarkable is that a challenger’s campaign like ours, running against an entrenched, supposedly shoo-in incumbent, is seeing such a robust level of financial support so early in the race. This level of strong momentum, this early in the race, speaks volumes about just how fed up Ohioans are with Ted Strickland’s mismanagement of Ohio’s finances and his tax increase, about how frustrated people are, and about how hungry they are for new leadership. It’s very encouraging to see Ohioans’ enthusiastic support and I know John and Mary are very appreciative of the confidence Ohioans are showing in them.” – Beth Hansen, Campaign Manager, Kasich for Ohio
- $5,071,901.55 raised
- $4,680,644.12 from individuals
- 11,754 total contributions from 9,838 individual contributors
- More than $300,000 raised online from 3,457 contributions –29% of all contributions were made online
- 9,321 donations of $100 or less
- $4,289,434.43 from 10,920 Ohio contributors
But my initial reaction?