When reading about the latest news coming out of Jennifer Brunner’s camp, I’m reminded of Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
“I’m not dead yet!”
From The Hill:
Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner’s (D) Senate campaign is going through a staff shakeup as a crucial third-quarter financial report is about to be filed.
Brunner has replaced her finance director, deputy and assistant, as many continue to question whether she will have enough money to compete with Lt. Gov. Lee Fisher (D) in the primary for retiring Sen. George Voinovich’s (R-Ohio) seat.
Sounds bad, doesn’t it?
It is. But it also means Brunner feels that she’s viable past the 3rd quarter fundraising report.
In 6 months Brunner raised less than $500,000 to Lee Fisher’s $2 million.
For comparison’s sake, John Kasich raised $500k in just one month.
But, if Brunner’s team is firing and hiring, that means they are fighting on into the final quarter of 2009. If the new team fails to improve on the rate of fundraising, then we may see the end of the Senate campaign by January.
And considering the powerful Emily’s List still doesn’t think well enough of Brunner to put her on their list of candidates to support, that may be more of a sure thing than ever.