For a bit, there seemed to be a bit of a semantic argument about the Cars for Clunkers program.
Supporters called it a success, while critics simply agreed that Americans like getting ‘free money’.
Well, we can officially strike “success” from the vocabulary.
With reports from all over that the government isn’t reimbursing auto dealers, and even forcing some dealers to abandon the program altogether, even the most earnest of advocates have to wonder how the government can fail at such a seemingly simple task.
From Yahoo News:
The Department of Transportation’s latest update on the Car Allowance Rebate System shows that the government has received applications for about 412,000 rebates totaling $1.7 billion. But so far, the feds have approved only a fraction of those, leaving dealers furious.
Interesting. Now let’s fiddle with that paragraph a bit….
The Department of Health Services latest update shows that the government has recieved applications for about 1,000 heart transplants. But so far, the feds have approved only a fraction of those, leaving patients dying and donated organs now unusable.
Congrats. If Obama, Pelosi, et. al have their way, you’ve just seen your future.
h/t: Blast32