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Third Base Politics


Charlie Cook: Get used to a red Ohio

At least in Congress, that is.

While providing the usual caveats about redistricting, renowned political analyst Charlie Cook has published his first race ratings for 2012.

As we should all know by now, Cook breaks down ratings into 3 categories for both Republicans and Democrats – seats that are Likely to stay with the Party, Leaning that way, or a pure Toss-Up.

And things are starting off well in Ohio.

While six Republican seats are listed – Chabot, Johnson, Renacci, Stivers, Gibbs, and Tiberi – all are under the “Likely Republican” qualification. That’s a good place to be. There are no Republicans listed in the Lean or Toss-Up category.

Meanwhile, Cook gives Democratic Congresswoman Betty Sutton a little reason to worry by placing her with only three other Democrats in the Democrat “Toss Up” category.

In the other chamber, Cook believes Sherrod Brown to be one of the six most vulnerable Democrat members of the Senate. He’s listed only as a Lean Democrat. Considering his most recent, and terrible, approval numbers, I’m not surprised.

Obviously, things are going to change. 2012 is a long ways away and who knows how redistricting will change things. But for Republicans in Ohio, this is one heckuva good starting point.

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Third Base Politics is an Ohio-centric conservative blog that has been featured at Hot Air, National Review, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, and others.


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