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Third Base Politics


Conservative anger grows against the NRA

Earlier this week I highlighted the beginnings of some frustration in the grassroots right re: the NRA’s foray into the destruction of the 1st amendment.

Well, a post in the National Journal yesterday confirmed that it has brewed quickly into becoming a pretty big deal.

Conservative movementarians, and some of the top GOPers on Capitol Hill, are furious with the National Rifle Association for cutting a deal with House Dem leaders that could speed passage of a measure aimed at increasing campaign finance disclosure requirements.

The NRA, which had concerns about provisions in the bill they believed might force them to report their membership rolls, struck a deal with Dem leaders over the weekend that will exempt them from much of the DISCLOSE Act’s reporting requirements. That deal has conservative groups steamed.

“The new word from the NRA is, it’s OK to deny free speech to Americans as long as the NRA gets a carve out,” said Myron Ebell, director of Freedom Action, as he singled out NRA executive VP Wayne LaPierre for criticism. “Unfortunately, the only conclusion is that Mr. LaPierre is a hypocrite and the NRA is just another powerful special interest seeking special treatment.”

There was even an editorial in the Wall Street Journal that absolutely tore into the NRA on this very same issue.

So now the question becomes, where does Ohio Governor Strickland stand on this issue? Now that he’s totally bought into their endorsement, it’s only fair to ask him his position.

We’re waiting…

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Third Base Politics is an Ohio-centric conservative blog that has been featured at Hot Air, National Review, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, and others.


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