I think I’d be hard-pressed to find a regular reader of this blog that doesn’t understand the pure ineptitude behind the cap and trade/national energy tax legislation that was passed by the US House of Representatives today.
Already a lot of anger is bubbling among GOP activists regarding the eight Republicans that voted yea. And rightly so.
But this post isn’t about that.
It’s about who had the courage to speak their mind to their constituents, and who wants to pretend it didn’t happen.
In reality, there may be a number of reasons why each of the Members voted with the majority, and I’m happy to listen to their reasoning.
If only they’d provide it.
I took a look at each of the 8’s websites to determine what rationalization they provided to their constituents. This is what I found:
Mary Bono Mack – Nothing.
Mike Castle – Provided a 1,154 word statement explaining his rationalization. I disagree with him, but props for standing up and showing why you stand the way you do. But I’m also a bit biased. During my time on the Hill I worked with him quite a bit on education issues. It’s hard to find a better guy. I’m willing to give him a pass this one time.
Mark Kirk – Squat. Grow a pair.
Frank Lobiondo – A press release touting the benefits for New Jersey. And he’s right. Under this legislation they make out like bandits.
Leonard Lance – Nuttin’. But he does condemn the President’s silence on Iran. Oh, sweet irony.
John McHugh – Zero. But four out of his first six press releases are about federal money going to his district, so that says something right there.
Dave Reichert – Press release. His home state of Washington is only 2nd to California in financial benefits from the legislation. Once again, hard to say no.
Chris Smith (NJ) – Nothing. Even though we know about the financial windfall for NJ. You wuss.
To those that refuse to even acknowledge the vote happened, I pity your constituents.
To those that had the guts to explain their vote, thank you for at least making that effort. You sacrificed principle for the financial benefit of the District – a much more difficult decision to make than many give credit for.
And Mike Castle, you laid out an exhaustive defense of your vote. I still disagree, but I can’t help it, I still love ya.
I know. I’m a sucker.
Some issue must be taken with Minority Whip Eric Cantor. Losing this vote thanks to Republican defectors is never a good thing.
Finally, I’d hate to end this post without giving some props to Minority Leader Boehner. Pulling out the full text of the 300 page amendment and starting the first House filibuster ever was a work of genius. It may not have worked, but it was great theater.