Barack Obama was elected President on a wave of enthusiasm and optimism. We as Republicans often make jokes about the brand new unicorn that each Obama voter has been expecting since Barack was elected. Since then Obama has waded deep into the domestic and foreign policy pool. The results?
A failed stimulus plan that cost 1.5 times the amount of the entire Iraq war.
The US getting the middle finger from Iran and North Korea.
Well, it turns out the American people are starting to ever so slowly lose faith. A Washington Post poll, not exactly an enemy of the Obama Administration, released this weekend had the following results.
The Post notes that Obama’s approval on health care is at 49 percent, a new low. It’s also only 52-46 on the economy, 43-49 percent on the deficit, and only 52-42 percent on unemployment.
In the poll, 8 percent say they’re better off since Obama became President, 27 percent say “not as well off,” and 64 percent say “about the same.”
Seriously, where are the frickin’ unicorns?
Well, I’ll tell you one thing, stories like this one from the AP aren’t going to help Obama any.
The midsession review [of budget numbers] by the White House’s Office of Management and Budget will likely reflect weaker numbers. But where is it?
White House officials say it is now expected in mid-August. They blame the delay on the fact that this is a transition year between presidencies and note that Obama didn’t release his full budget until early May — instead of the first week in February, when he put out just an outline.
Still, the update mainly involves plugging in changes in economic indicators, not revising program-by-program details. And indicators such as unemployment and gross domestic product changes have been public knowledge for some time.
The headline of the article? “White House Putting Off Release of Budget Update”
Clearly, Obama isn’t living up to expectations set by his campaign and embraced by his followers. And the changing numbers reflect the same.
How tough is it getting? In numbers just released by Rasmussen, Obama fails to hit 50% in theoretical matchups versus Mitt Romney (45-45) and Sarah Palin (48-42). All this despite no clear and central voice of opposition, just as you see in a Presidential campaign.
Momentum is ever so slightly building.
What’s next? The Virginia and New Jersey gubernatorial elections in November. These two states who solidly supported Barack Obama in 2008 currently maintain leads for their respective GOP candidates.
Virginia and New Jersey are Obama’s first referendum. And wins in each have the potential to break the dam and cause a flood of support and money towards Republican candidates in 2010.
And cyncism will help us get there.