If you read political blogs, you know Daily Kos is the most influential liberal blog in the nation.
And if you follow Ohio politics, this article couldn’t help but capture your attention:
[S]outheast Ohio shows as Kasich’s third stongest region at 54-43 for Kasich. The southeast is Strickland’s home base. It’s where he grew up and held a congressional seat for eons. It’s also the state’s biggest swing region. If Strickland is losing the southeast at all, not to mention by 11 points, he’s dead meat.
The Ohio Poll confirms what I see and hear on the ground. The folks who know Ted Strickland, who grew up with him, who are related to him, have turned against him with a vengeance. And the vengeance is growing.
Strickland has been pure disaster for southern Ohio. His deals with the timber companies have deforested our counties. His deals with the coal companies have resulted in plans for new filthy coal plants. His deals with the nuclear companies have resulted in a string of failed projects at the Piketon nuclear reservation. Lies. Lies. Lies. That is the Strickland legacy on his home turf.
For those looking in from outside, Ohio is shaping up to be a real disaster for Democrats in 2010. But for those of us here, it won’t be such a disaster. Because the only way to remove a corrupt machine is to have it swept from office.
I retain hope that Strickland will follow his own internal polling, withdraw from the race, allow Lee Fisher to run for governor, and leave Jennifer Brunner a clear shot at Rob Portman in the Senate race.
Holy. Frickin’. Crap.
And I thought I was tough on the Governor.
With friends like these….