Finally, an Ohio newspaper is acknowledging the a new value-added tax (VAT) is a very real possibility.
It only took the President, Presidential economic advisor Paul Voelker, and Speaker Pelosi saying it was an option to get the media to start paying attention.
We all know a VAT would break the President’s no tax increase for those making under $250k pledge from his campaign.
We also know it would place an extra burden on the lower and middle class by increasing the cost of consumer goods.
Now, obviously Ohioans need to know where their Representatives stand on the issue. Of particular interest are those Democrats who voted for Obamacare, the new spending priority that will require massive amounts of new tax revenue. So who does the Columbus Dispatch check with on the House side?
Pat Tiberi.
Now don’t get me wrong. I’m obviously a big fan of Congressman Tiberi, but we already had a pretty good idea where he stood on the issue. Additionally, he’s not the one that voted for massive amounts of new spending.
Ohioans need to hear from Mary Jo Kilroy. From Steve Driehaus. From John Boccieri. From Betty Sutton.
Where do they stand on the VAT?
WCMH asked Steve Stivers about it. Come on, Mary Jo. Step up.