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Election Night Tweets

In lieu of liveblogging tonight’s festivities, I ended up tweeting the heck out of it. Peruse my thoughts as I review the evening’s events…. then follow me on twitter!

  • What a night. Congrats to the well run campaigns in NJ and VA. Now let’s bring this effort to the premier race in 2010 – Kasich for Governork
  • Intriguing timing. Russia conducts nuclear wargame against Poland.
  • [headcock] RT @allahpundit: Late movement by Hoffman?
  • RT @Neoavatara: Funny…NY-23 may be the one race Dems win, and Obama never showed up there.
  • Laugh at any Democrat who equivocates NY-23 to NJ.
  • Wow. RT @jharrell: Leitzell pulls off upset of McLin New mayor in Dayton, Ohio #dayton #ddn
  • Referendum. RT @sanuzis: VA: Dems control congressional seats, state Senate, both Senate seats, won the past 2 Gov races & Obama won by 7%.
  • LOL @ Christie supporters chanting “Yes We Did”32 minutes ago from TweetDeck
  • @jesse_hathaway Ferris is down 1000 with 13 precincts remaining. Too damn close.33 minutes ago from TweetDeck in reply to jesse_hathaway
  • PPP is the big winner with closest result in NJ. SurveyUSA close 2nd. Smaller pollsters Monmouth & Democracy Corps bet on Corzine.
  • SurveyUSA wins battle of pollsters in nailing VA race margin. Kos is the big loser.
  • Yup. RT @chucktodd: Barbour’s RGA gets strategic call o the campaign cycle: against advice & wishes of sum they went after Daggett in TV ads
  • Congrats, guys. Great work. RT @The_RGA: GOP Sweeps Gov RGA!
  • @JasonMauk I beat the WSJ.
  • Going to be real interesting to see how the Generic Cong. Ballot looks like come next week. Do the wins bring even more momentum?
  • Debbie Wasserman Schultz sounds like Christopher Walken.
  • Fox is REALLLYYY pushing the Obama referendum story. Loving it.
  • Haley is on Fox. Everyone pay attention.
  • After the glowing coverage for the GOP so far tonight after VA and NJ, a comeback win from Hoffman would be a serious punch in the gut.
  • 364 days, everyone. Let’s get to work.
  • Referendum: Anderson Cooper just uttered “A big blow to President Obama and the Democrat Party.”
  • Hume is right. It’s about intensity now. GOP has it. 95% of conservative Americans didn’t get to vote today. They want their chance.
  • The Governor’s race. Sound familiar, Ohio?
  • As someone who has done a couple Luntz focus groups, this stuff is an absolute joke.
  • Ventura on CNN. Maddow talking HC reform. Fox talking election results. ‘Nuff said.about
  • 2009 Election results are in and Jesse Ventura is on live on CNN? Seriously?
  • Newsflash: Ted Strickland has sweaty palms.
  • McD on Fox now. First time McDonnell has really spoken to the nation. Here’s his chance to impress for ’12.
  • RT @jmartpolitico: 91 pct in to Monmouth Co., strong GOP county, CC up 62-31. In ’05, JC lost: 52-44
  • LOL @ Fox showing the Deeds/Obama ad. Virginia responds with a middle finger.
  • Buttwhoopin’. RT @jimgeraghty: Christie wins Glouster County, which Obama carried by 12.2 percent last year.
  • What? It’s not like he had time to plan! Oh. Wait. RT @polesovsky: Clueless Guv of Ohio Ted Strickland: Not sure what to do if casinos pass
  • Depressed yet, Dems?
  • Wow. RT @jaketapper: NBC’s “The Biggest Loser” is at the White House tonight. This is not a joke. #lol
  • RT @TheFix: An independent movement to GOP
  • RT @sanuzis: NJ with 15% reporting Christie 54% vs Corzine 40% – still trending well – but lots of Democrat areas not reporting. #tcot #rnc
  • One more gratuitous bragging day w/ the McDonnell for Governor bumper sticker on the Wrangler, then Kasich for Governor takes over. #bob4va
  • RT @hambypCNN: Haley Barbour speaking in Richmond. Says he’s speaking on behalf of 22 GOP governors. “23 after they call this race,” he adds

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Third Base Politics is an Ohio-centric conservative blog that has been featured at Hot Air, National Review, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, and others.


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