There was a slight nuance that seemed to go unnoticed in the Ohio blogosphere yesterday.
First, I take you back to two days ago, when Strickland announced on his website that he would be announcing his Lieutenant Governor nominee “in the coming days”. No, not weeks, but days.
But in last night’s Dayton Daily News article on Kasich’s choice of Mary Taylor, Lis Smith, Corzine alum and new Strickland press secretary, said the following:
Green, director of the Bliss Institute of Applied Politics at the University of Akron, said Strickland, from southern Ohio, might want to tap a woman as a running mate but other factors, such as regional balance, could enter in. Strickland campaign spokeswoman Lis Smith said no decision has been made, although several names continue to be mentioned, including Youngstown Mayor Jay Williams and Yvette McGee Brown, a former Franklin County judge.
No decision has been made? But just two days ago you informed your supporters that your LG choice would be released in a matter of days.
This confirms what I’ve heard from multiple sources – that Strickland is having an extremely hard time finding someone to agree to be his LG. Two days ago I was told that Yvette McGee Brown, a former Franklin County Judge, had been offered the gig. And yet as of last night we still don’t even have a decision? Obviously, a former county judge wasn’t Strickland’s first choice, but, it’s a safe choice. And yet, here we are wondering if even she will accept the job.
The pressure is on McGee Brown. Her name has been floated so seriously around Ohio political circles as the choice that it will be quite an embarrassment for Strickland if she says no. Will we find out “in the coming days”? I don’t know. But if there is no announcement by next Wednesday we’ll know something went awfully wrong in Strickland-land.