If there’s one thing that was certain in the 2008 elections, it was that Barack Obama was an amazing campaigner. His election promises captivated audiences and swung the youth vote heavily in his favor, ultimately leading to his election that November.
Unfortunately for him, the youth aren’t buying it any more.
A new study released today shows that the President’s support among those between the ages of 18 and 29 has eroded, from 68% in 2008, to only 50% today. And the answer is simple:
Political Scientist Jason Johnson, who heads the college’s year-long “Listening to Young Voters” project, says young voters are disappointed that Obama hasn’t solved nation’s problems over the past four years, but aren’t convinced that Romney will do any better…
Apparently President Obama must have thought young voters were ignorant, because he promised them the world and instead delivered the most anemic economy in the modern era. And the youngest of the age group have caught on:
He… is having trouble gaining support from 18- to 24-year-olds, many of whom were too young to vote in the 2008 election.
“Younger voters are more skeptical and conservative than the older members of that age group,” says Della Volpe.
You mean that America’s youth has been paying attention to Obama’s trail of lies? Truly, it was an insult that President Obama would have thought anything to the contrary.
But just looking at the numbers, Obama’s reelection hopes are dwindling with every new poll. With the 18% drop in support from those 18 to 29 years of age, Obama’s overall election picture starts to narrow. He relied heavily on younger votes, winning 68% of them in 2008. That figure significantly outperformed past Democrat candidates. What’s more, Obama’s 50% support is underwater even compared to the 54% that Kerry and Gore garnered in their respective elections.
That’s right, Obama’s pulling less support than both Kerry and Gore. Not exactly where the campaign wants to be less than five months from election day.
And to the point that Romney isn’t energizing the youth either, his 37% in the study is still an 8-point lead on where McCain ended up in that demographic—and Romney’s campaign is just heating up. At this point, that 37% is a floor for Romney and can only go up, while Obama’s 50% continues to erode.
When it comes to the youth vote, the arrow’s pointing down on you, Mr. President. And if you’re really looking to live up to your promises, perhaps this one would be a good start:
Cross-posted at GOHP Blog.