It’s come to this – a CBS(!!!) poll has confirmed what Rasmussen has been telling us.
President Obama and his policies are unpopular.
In a poll released yesterday evening, we learned a lot of intriguing info.
For instance, the CBS poll found Obama’s overall approval rating equal to that of Scott Rasmussen’s Daily Presidential Tracking poll of the same day.
46 points.
How is that “Rasmussen bias” treating all you Democrats now?
But what was most intriguing were some of the nuggets within.
For example, among the largest bloc polled, Independents, Obama’s approval rating sits at a lowly 42%. For comparison’s sake, that’s a drop in net approval of 39 points among the same group from last April – two months after the stimulus was implemented.
The economy is far and away the most important issue among all three Party identifiers, up 30 over Health Care at 44-14. This has been a constant trend all year.
So what do people think of the most important issue in their lives?
It ain’t pretty.
The President and Congressional Democrats sold the stimulus on the promise that it would “jumpstart the economy”. Well, according to CBS, less than 1/3 of Americans believe the economy is getting better. Additionally, 82% believe the current condition of the economy is “bad”. Once again I reiterate what I’ve been saying for since last spring – the failed stimulus must be a central campaign theme for Republicans in 2010. The public already believes it failed, now it’s up to Republicans to make sure that same public identifies Democrats as those responsible for the obnoxiously massive waste of tax dollars.
And Obamacare?
Only 36% of Americans and 35% of Independents approve of how the President has handled health care reform. Even more amazing is that 1/4 of Democrats disapprove. That explains a bit of the Democrat apathy. Approval of Congressional Dems and Republicans is relatively equal, with the Dems getting slightly better numbers, but that approval is at a whopping 29%. Of course, Congress always polls poorly, even in the best of times.
To sum up, ridiculously bad news for the President. And from CBS, no less.