How bad has the Stimulus’ reputation damaged the message coming from Congressional Democrats?
Check this out:
…The job creation issue is complicated. Much of the money in the House bill goes to programs that may stimulate the economy but don’t appear to directly put people to work…
…Even the investment in “shovel-ready” highway and bridge projects may not immediately translate into a reduction in the nation’s 10 percent unemployment rate.
Republicans cited government figures showing that, as of Sept. 30, only 9 percent of $27.5 billion for highways in the first stimulus bill had been spent. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that of the $39 billion in the new House jobs bill directed to the departments of Transportation and Housing and Urban Development, only $1.7 billion will get spent before next October…
With this message going mainstream, even if the Democrats pass this absolutely awful bill it will only reinforce the damage done to the Democrat identity. This kind of policy proposal is the last thing Independent, fiscally responsible voters want to see.
h/t: Ace