Rob Portman’s campaign was all over this a couple days ago. And unfortunately, I’m just getting to it now.
But this is a doozy.
First, check out this video:
Um. What?
Portman’s team nailed their response, highlighting the massive job loss in “every corner of Ohio”.
According to Ohio Labor Market Information data:
According to Ohio Labor Market Information data:
- For April 2010, Ashtabula County Had An Unemployment Rate Of 13.6%.
- But In April 2007, The Unemployment Rate For Ashtabula County Was 7.3%.
- For April 2010, Hamilton County Had An Unemployment Rate Of 9.9%.
- But In April 2007, The Unemployment Rate For Hamilton County Was 5.0%.
- For April 2010, Meigs County Had An Unemployment Rate Of 15.0%.
- But In April 2007, The Unemployment Rate For Meigs County Was 8.2%.
- For April 2010, Williams County Had An Unemployment Rate Of 13.8%.
- But In April 2007, The Unemployment Rate For Williams County Was 6.1%.
So much for that “every corner” theory, eh Lee?
But there are a few other interesting angles to this story.
- Clearly, this highlights that the strategy for Democrats will be to attempt to pull the wool over the eyes of Ohio voters. Rather than addressing the reality of a massive jobs crisis, they are going to talk about unicorns and puppy dogs in an attempt to force the narrative that everything is going well. But as long as unemployment rates maintain the horribly high levels, that narrative simply won’t work. Voters can simply look around them, at their neighbors, family, and friends that are out of work and recognize that the story Democrats are trying to force simply doesn’t hold water.
- “You want to see the jobs that Ted and I….” – Interesting. If you look at poll numbers, one of the best things Fisher has going for him is that his job approval isn’t nearly as bad as that of Governor Strickland. Clearly, voters haven’t yet learned about his role as Jobs Czar under in the Gov’s administration. And yet, here he is going out of his way to connect himself to the Governor. A strange strategy.
- If Fisher thought he was the best man to bring jobs to Ohio, then he shouldn’t have quit as Director of Development to pursue his own ambitions. He was elected to the position of Lt. Governor by the people. He was appointed to the Dept. of Development by the elected Governor. And he quit when Ohio unemployment was skyrocketing upwards and Ohio was in a jobs crisis. Others running for far larger offices haven’t resigned from their responsibilities. But Fisher quit.
We have 146 days to educate Ohioans about Fisher’s role as Jobs Czar.
Let’s get to it.
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