This is just mindboggling.
63% of Republicans (including Republican-leaning independents) say they are more enthusiastic than usual about voting. That not only greatly exceeds Democrats’ expressed enthusiasm this year, but also is substantially higher than what Gallup has measured for either party’s supporters on the eve of a midterm election.
19 points higher than where we were in 1994.
How is that even possible?
A 19 point gap between Republicans and Democrats. That’s 10 points higher than what we saw in 1994.
Remember when Democrats said passing Obamacare would swing voters back over to their side for the midterm election?
How’s that working out for ya?
UPDATE: Speaking of Obamacare’s real impact, this new post from Jonah Goldberg at NRO was particularly appropos.
Change “turkeys could fly” to “ObamaCare would be really popular” and you’ll have a pretty good sense of David Axelrod’s mood today: