William Hershey of the Dayton Daily News is one of my favorite political writers in the state if for no other reason than he’s realistic. He doesn’t buy into the talking points and understands what it takes to win and lose elections.
Well, his recent article on Jennifer Brunner isn’t exactly the kind of earned media her campaign was hoping for:
“You have to have resources,” Brunner said last week. “You don’t have to have the same amount of resources that consultants tell you (that) you have to have.”
Maybe, but what Brunner’s trying to pull off has little precedent in the United States or in Ohio, where the U.S. Senate candidates in 2006 spent nearly $25 million.
In other words, give it up, kid.
Later, Hershey provides a bit of a reality check to the Brunner camp’s assertion that she can run a hard grassroots-based campaign similar to Paul Wellstone’s win in Minnesota back in 1990.
Except Wellstone had 21 times the amount of cash as Brunner and was able to go up on TV.
Of course, we’re happy Brunner is sticking to her guns and requiring Fisher to empty his bank account in order to assure victory in the Primary. So please, Jennifer, keep up the good work.
Read the rest for a complete breakdown of how unrealistic Brunner’s chances really are.