It seems that with a new campaign manager comes convoluted press releases that make the voting public say, “huh?”.
Yesterday, Lee Fisher’s campaign released their own study stating loans to small businesses shrunk by $5 million between 2006-2009.
And somehow that’s Rob Portman’s fault.
Fisher seems to forget the most important driver for securing small business loans isn’t federal funding, but the simple laws of supply and demand. Simply put, if people don’t have an income then there is no demand for services. If there is no demand for services then there is no incentive to attempt to start a business. If there is no incentive to start a business, then there is no need to attempt to secure a small business loan.
And what has history shown time and time again to be the best way to create jobs? Lower taxes.
Fisher seems to want to avoid discussing his time as the ‘Jobs Czar’ under Governor Strickland. After losing 300k jobs under his watch, I can’t say I blame him.
But beyond the policy specifics, is this really the best Fisher’s new campaign manager could come up with? Small business loans? I would love to sit in a Frank Luntz focus group and hear how well that resounds among the average voter. Laughable.
Portman’s press secretary plays it smart by not allowing Fisher to run from his record. Expect to hear “jobs czar” more times than you can count this campaign season. That will resound.