Another day, another case of ‘what the hell, are you kidding me!?!’…
Today Senator Obama broke his pledge of public financing for his campaign and admitted that all that talk of NAFTA being “devastating” and “a big mistake,” was just silly campaign rhetoric that he didn’t mean.
This is hope and change? We were promised a new kind of politics. If anything, Obama has proven himself to be nothing more than more of the same, if not worse.
But the bigger question is whether it will have any effect on NovFive?
It seems that intensely committed Obama voters are broken into two categories…the Obamamaniacs and the Partisans. To those that see him as the political messiah, will highlighting these kinds of retractions and political gameplaying be effective? Likely not. And the partisans, well, they just want to beat Republicans so Obama could dropkick their own Mother and it likely wouldn’t change their vote.
So as the list of Obama’s hypocrisies continues to grow, will the leaners and swing voters be swayed? Perhaps, but these are the same voters that more often than not recognize that politicians say what they need to say when it’s politically expedient. Clearly, Republicans can’t rely on winning them over by simply denigrating Obama’s character.
As can be highlighted in today’s poll by Rasmussen, McCain must win this election on policy.
After hearing the views of both McCain and Obama, most Florida voters agreed with McCain–61% said it was likely that offshore drilling would reduce gas prices. Only 34% disagreed and said that offshore drilling would not accomplish that goal.
These are the kinds policy wedge issues that McCain must continue to hammer on if he has any chance of winning. Obama has already staked his ground. No offshore drilling. No nuclear power. The candidate of change? Hmmm.