I’ve dug a little deeper on trying to find out the latest on just who may be Ted Strickland’s running mate. And the Democrats aren’t going to like it.
Yesterday, I reported that a possible embarrassing situation was brewing for Ted Strickland. While his campaign said on Wednesday that an LG nominee would be announced in just “days”, Lis Smith, the Governor’s new spokeswoman, said a decision had not been made in a report on Friday.
So, where does the Governor stand now on his choice?
Well, according to a very well-placed source, this is where we’re at…
Eric Fingerhut, the Chancellor of the Ohio Board of Regents, was offered the LG position and said no.
Todd Portune, a Hamilton County Commissioner, was offered the LG position and said no.
Yvette McGee Brown, a former Franklin County Judge, was offered the LG position and is still pondering whether to take the gig.
So, who is the latest choice?
Marsha Ryan, head of Ohio’s Bureau of Workers Compensation.
No, really.
The same BWC that has been described as the following:
In short, the state’s workers’ compensation system will not win any awards as Ohio’s best-managed government program.
Ohio employers have no choice but to use it, though. Unlike business owners in almost every other state, Ohio employers must pay premiums to the state bureau. While forty-six states either have a private workers’ compensation system or allow private companies to compete against the state program, Ohio is one of only four states operating a state-run workers’ compensation monopoly.
Marsha Ryan represents the very type of institution John Kasich would likely want to change when he comes into office. In other words, Republicans should really hope she accepts.
But what if she doesn’t?
Well, this is where it starts getting really good.
I find this a little hard to fathom, but my source also stated that a representative of the Ohio Democratic Party has reached out to the Ohio Secretary of State’s office to determine whether it truly is necessary to have a Lieutenant Governor named when the Governor files for re-election.
If that happens it will make getting turned down by three proposed LG’s look like getting turned down for a dance in 8th grade. It will be a major embarrassment.
Now, I’m sure the opposition will jump all over this and claim it isn’t true. Fine. Don’t believe it. Fortunately, my source is extremely well-placed to know this kind of information. Am I telling you who it is? No, because I want to keep getting this kind of information. Deal with it. If Strickland picks someone on Monday or Tuesday, within the “days” as defined by the Governor’s campaign, then we’ll know that while he didn’t get his first choice, he still was able to get things figured out.
But ultimately, the LG pick for the Republican and Democratic candidates perfectly represent the state of the race.
Kasich was able to pick the strongest possible candidate and his first choice in Mary Taylor. Someone who has been elected statewide and has been lauded as a very good choice by media across the state.
Meanwhile, Strickland is going door-to-door trying to find someone to attach themselves to the ticket. I’ve been considering a move back home to Ohio, Guv. But don’t think that I’m interested.
Mary Taylor jumped at Kasich’s offer because she felt extremely confident he was going to win and place her in good situation to where she can someday make the same jump Mike DeWine did – from LG to Senator.
But for Strickland, no one wants to be known as the person to go down with the ship. And even if Strickland somehow pulled this off, they know his answer to the future $8 billion budget deficit will be a giant tax hike, and that’s something no one wants to be attached to.
What a mess.
I love it.
UPDATE: This weekend I learned from a separate source from above that Congressman Zach Space has been “approached” about serving on the ticket. If true, this goes beyond all logic. While Space’s seat is vulnerable, it’s not nearly as certain a takeover as Kilroy and Driehaus(Chabot is +17 in the poll released this weekend!). Furthermore, turning the race into an open seat makes it that much more likely to switch to Republican.
With that said, his votes in Congress may help reinvigorate the liberal base that so many polls have shown to be apathetic towards Strickland. Voting for the Liberal Trifecta(Cap&Trade, Health Care, and the Stimulus) is music to their ears.
Personally, I don’t see it happening, but the source is legit, so I felt it worth sharing. Take it for whatcha will.