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Third Base Politics


It’s all in the numbers.

Much of the talk yesterday in Virginia was about the new poll numbers from the Washington Post for the Gov race between Democrat Creigh Deeds and Republican Bob McDonnell.

Among likely voters, McDonnell is up by a whopping 15 percent. 54-39.


But that isn’t the most surprising part of the poll.

Virginia, a state which Barack Obama won by 6 percent, has elected two straight Democratic Governors and maintains two Democrats in the US Senate, is going back to its roots.

In the Post poll, those identifying themselves as Republicans is at the highest rate in four years.

And the most amazing number? Likely independent voters lean Republican by a margin of 20-11. The Post provides similar data that goes all the way back to 1993…and the next largest margin was 12-10 back in 2001.

In other words, Republicans in Virginia are winning swing voters by the widest margin in at least 16 years.

Now, if that can happen in Virginia, a state that most assuredly has been trending Democrat, what does that mean for other parts of the country with a similar recent electoral history and a much worse economy under Democratic rule… Ohio?

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Third Base Politics is an Ohio-centric conservative blog that has been featured at Hot Air, National Review, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, and others.


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