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Third Base Politics


"It’s Monday, do you know where your governor is?"

Amusing headline from the Columbus Dispatch, eh?

Another Monday, another “party-building” trip out of state for Gov. Ted Strickland.

The governor was in Washington, D.C., today for what the he and the Ohio Democratic Party call “party-building and campaign-related activities” connected with his expected re-election bid next year. Details aren’t disclosed (as usual), but it essentially means fund-raising or meetings that will lead to fund-raising.


The governor has spent other Mondays this year in Philadelphia, New York, Texas and Chicago and also has taken a previous trips to Washington and New York.

90% increase in unemployment under his watch, a budget in flux and an unsustainable education proposal lying in limbo……and he’s in DC for fundraising.

Screw knowing where the governor is. I’m just wondering if the governor knows what his duties are.

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Third Base Politics is an Ohio-centric conservative blog that has been featured at Hot Air, National Review, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, and others.


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