This morning, Kasich offered up what’s being called the “first substantive proposal of the governor’s race” from either candidate when he announced his proposal to privatize the Ohio Department of Development.
This innovative idea, while new, does have some proven success of working elsewhere.
And we only had to look next door to find it.
The Indiana Economic Development Corporation (IEDC) is the State of Indiana’s lead economic development agency. The IEDC was officially established in February 2005 to replace the former Department of Commerce. In order to respond quickly to the needs of businesses, the IEDC operates like a business.
Led by Indiana Secretary of Commerce and IEDC Chief Executive Officer E. Mitchell Roob, Jr., the IEDC is organized as a public private partnership governed by a 12-member board. The IEDC Board of Directors is chaired by Governor Mitch Daniels and reflects the geographic and economic diversity of Indiana. The IEDC focuses its efforts on growing and retaining businesses in Indiana and attracting new business to the State.
Sounds familiar, eh? Now my understanding is that while JobsOhio will be very similar to IEDC, it won’t be a carbon copy. Kasich’s team wants to create a hybrid of what works from around the country.
So how is the IEDC doing? Pretty damn well if you ask the fellas that actually do the hiring….CEOs.
This year, CEO Magazine polled 651 CEOs and asked them what states were best for business.
Guess who was best in the midwest. That’s right. Indiana.
This is the same poll that showed Ohio dropping 24 spots(!) since 2005. Going from 20th in 2005 to 44th in 2010.
But it’s Strickland that likes the status quo. According to him, we’re on the right track.
Reality states otherwise.
It’s time or a change. It’s time for JobsOhio.
UPDATE: The Ohio GOP has edited together some good footage from the announcement this morning. Check it out: