They’re two of the biggest names in politics today.
And Speaker-elect Boehner brought them together, along with other GOP Governors-to-be, for a meeting in Washington DC yesterday.
Boehner is smart to develop and enhance cooperation with Governors. Too many times we see politicians try to go at it their own way. By including Governors, Boehner is able to better implement a conservative agenda that so directly impacts states rights.
Here’s a transcript of Kasich’s remarks yesterday at the press event:
I think part of the message is let our people go. You know, we have a situation where we have all these strings from Washington. You have governors that know how to design solutions for specific problems. The problem is Washington will not let our people go.
We’d like to solve things based on not a one-size-fits-all mentality, but let’s not keep putting a size 10 foot in a size 6 shoe. We want flexibility. We’ll take that message to our Democratic colleagues because we’re all in it together.
Secondly, I sit at home and watch the new at night and can’t believe how we dither about whether we’re going to keep taxes low and provide certainty to companies so they can invest. The policies in Washington are hurting our states’ ability to create jobs. And if they want to create jobs, make the tax cuts permanent, keep the capital-gains, the risk-taking invest low.
I don’t understand what they don’t get about this. They’ve tried all this government spending. It hasn’t worked. Companies want certainty.
And, finally, at the state level, we have to get our books in order. We have to balance our books. Now, in the ’90s, we were able to get to a balanced budget and pay down debt, but look at where we are today. Our children are being held hostage.
If we have to be responsible and balance our books, they better get their books in order in Washington. And I hope that the president will — I understand they had a good meeting yesterday. I hope it will result in action.
But we are very determined about all of this, and we will take the message to our Democratic colleagues and bring it up here to Capitol Hill.
Nailed it.