It’s fun to catch your opponent when they don’t dot their i’s and cross their t’s. It doesn’t really mean much, but it’s an easy dig that can get under the skin of your opponent and make their campaign account slightly smaller.
But the Butler County Democratic Party Chairwoman was a little too enthusiastic when she went to the press to call out State. Rep. Courtney Combs for omitting his disclaimer on two campaign signs.
Jocelyn Bucaro, chairwoman of the local Democratic Party, said the two yard signs along Nilles Road do not have disclaimers that identify a campaign committee, committee officer and address, which is required by the Ohio Revised Code.
“It’s ‘Campaign 101,’ ” said Bucaro. “If any of my candidates would have done this, I’d call them out on it.”
You would, would ya?
Well guess what. Here’s your chance.
Here is an advertisement promoting a fundraiser earlier this year on behalf of Bruce Carter, otherwise known as Combs’ opponent in November. I’m sure you’ve seen it, Chairwoman Bucaro. Your name is listed as the contact person for the event.
Yep. A disclaimer.
It’s Campaign 101, Madam Chairwoman. You better call yourself out.