This post isn’t about Joe Wilson. It’s about something bigger than Joe Wilson.
Whether or not health care reform, as Joe Wilson knows it via HR 3200, allows for illegal immigrants.
I’ll let William Jacobsen, a law professor at Cornell University, take it from here:
[…] if the standard is the full House Bill, HR3200, then it appears that Obama was incorrect. There is nothing in HR3200 that excludes illegal aliens from the various coverage provisions (with a few limited exceptions). The Congressional Research Service agrees with this assessment. For example, with regard to health care exchanges, the CRS found:
“H.R. 3200 does not contain any restrictions on noncitzens—whether legally or illegally present, or in the United States temporarily or permanently—participating in the Exchange.”
Since the Obama administration wanted a full House vote passing HR3200 prior to the August recess, Obama was okay with a bill that included illegal aliens.
Sure, Wilson was wrong to shout. But so were Democrats when they booed the President in 2005.
If nothing else, show respect for the Office of the President.
Then use the facts to show him he’s wrong.
h/t: LetsTalk