In 2008, Barack Obama won Athens County 66%-31%.
In 2006, Ted Strickland won Athens County 82%-16%.
Well, in 2010 John Kasich is campaigning deep in Democrat-heavy Athens County and has an overwhelmingly enthusiastic organization pushing to Get Out the Vote despite the county-wide registration disadvantage.
75 volunteers packed the Athens County HQ to hear Kasich’s message.
In response, deep blue Athens County provided their best attempt at opposition:
Four sorta goofy looking protestors.
Kasich’s response?
“What’s going on out there?” Kasich asked, hearing the commotion.
“You made a lot of money, and they don’t like it,” a member of the supportive crowd inside explained sarcastically.
“Man, I went to college in the ’70s, and I know protest,” joked the candidate. “This is weak!”
If Athens County ends up being anywhere even close to competitive, Ted Strickland is in deep trouble.