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Third Base Politics


Methinks they’re confused.

If you had the misfortune of coming across any liberal-centric, or even many mainstream media blogs the past couple days you may have seen a headline hailing the decline the GOP in party identification. It seems Gallup released a poll that showed some decreases in demographically-based support for the Republican Party.

Before reading the actual data, some of the headlines had me particularly worried. Here are a few examples:

From the Chicago Tribune’s The Swamp:

From Teagan Goddard’s well-respected Political Wire:

(note, Goddard uses ‘aggregate’ data to come to his conclusion, rather than the most recent data or the trend)

And from the liberal and popular Ohio blog, Buckeye State Blog:

My goodness.

Republicans must be screwed, eh?

Wellllllll I hate to break it to the Buckeye State Blog, but if Republicans are an endangered species, then so are Democrats.

And that’s coming from the exact same Gallup Poll that their blog cited.

As you can see, the latest data shows those identifying themselves as Republicans and Democrats are equal, even with leaners.

Now, Buckeye State Blog, I don’t know if you were confused, or just trying way too hard to appease your readers and keep them in some kind of fantasy land.

You can look at all the demographic data you want, but according to Gallup, Democrats have had a 9, 4, 7, 13, 7, 11 and 9 point advantage respectfully in this poll since Obama was elected.

‘Til now.

Of course, things may change…these numbers always do. But for those saying these numbers spell out the end of the Republican Party – well, you may want to think before you post.

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Third Base Politics is an Ohio-centric conservative blog that has been featured at Hot Air, National Review, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, and others.


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