Before you read this, make sure you watch the video one post below.
Done? Ok. Good.
Christie’s style of governing and communicating to the media and public-at-large makes me think his Administration will be a fun experiment to watch. We conservatives have clamored for someone who represents our belief system and is a no-nonsense politician who does what he says and says what he does.
So far, Christie is doing just that. As long as he continues on this trajectory it provides an interesting opportunity to see just how successful sticking to your guns is as not just a governing strategy, but an electoral one as well.
Ace of Spades breaks it down well on his blog…
This flies directly counter to what I was saying earlier about politicians profiting from fudging their positions in order to pander to that segment of the polity who wish to be spared the intellectual and moral burden of making decisions.
Maybe Christie has decided that segment of the population isn’t going to rouse itself from its slumber anyway so might as well just speak bluntly.
Will it work? Hey, I’ve got a some sort of scientific curiosity about stuff. Conventional wisdom says that it’s usually the other kind of politician — slippery, evasive, platitudinous, gray, poll-tested and blow-dried — that prospers, but who knows. I’m open to contrary evidence.
We’ll see.