The Obama White House has made it a priority of theirs to make Ohio’s own John Boehner enemy #1.
Ya can’t exactly blame them. With massive majorities in both the House and Senate and the GOP poised to take over the House, it’s not hard to see why the President so desperately needs an enemy. When you can’t give your own base anything to fight for, you better find them someone to fight against.
So, bring on Minority Leader Boehner.
The President spent much of September repeatedly in attack mode. The Los Angeles Times even said, “John Boehner is hardly a household name, but President Obama seems set on making him one.”
So how well did it work?
Well, if the new Ohio CBS/NYT poll is any indication, not very well.
If the President can’t even drive up Boehner’s negatives in the Congressman’s home state, then he can’t anywhere else.
Breaking it down even further, the President couldn’t even get his own base to pay enough attention to have an opinion. 71% of Democrats in Ohio are undecided or don’t have an opinion about Boehner.
But how about the President’s ally, Speaker Nancy Pelosi. How does she poll in the Buckeye State?
Ouch. What stands out? Among Independents she is at 9% favorability to 48%(!) unfavorable.
Perhaps the President should have worried a bit more about himself before he attacked Mr. Boehner.
Those are the two most important issues in this election – economy and job creation – and the President is in the dumps. Nearly 1/3 of his own base disapprove of how he’s handling job creation. And look at those numbers among Independents! 31-57 on the economy and 26-65 on job creation? Ouch.
The President will be returning to Ohio at least one more time, on October 17th, before the November election. I happily invite him to every targeted congressional district in Ohio and hope each Democrat proudly campaigns with him.