As the Ohio House heads back into session this week, The Ohio Conservatives PAC highlighted the first 100 days of Democrat supported Speaker Jason Stephens.
Follow us on this journey of Jason Stephens’ failed leadership on passing legislative priorities:
No Backpack Bill
No Ban on Critical Race Theory
No Pro 2nd Amendment/ Self Defense bill
No Save Women’s Sports Act
No Saving Adolescents from Experimentation (SAFE) Act
No Election Integrity bill
No Parents Bill of Rights
No Bill to Lower Health Care Costs
No Bill to Phase Out the Income Tax
No Pro-drilling/Energy Expansion bill
No Welfare Reform Bill
No Immigration Enforcement bill
Promoted a $900 Million NET property tax INCREASE for homeowners with HB1
Jason Stephens sworn in by Democrat Allison Russo [pictured above]
And the list goes on…
In fact not a single bill deemed a priority by Stephens himself has passed the Ohio House.
But perhaps the most egregious move by Stephens is that he is paving the way for far-left radicals to enshrine on-demand abortion into Ohio’s Constitution by blocking HJR 1. Jason Stephens is currently the only obstacle to protecting Ohio’s founding document from being hijacked by out-of-state special interests groups.
Let’s not forget that Stephens was elected Speaker by Democrats, his leadership team was elected by Democrats, and the House Rules were passed by Democrats.
In the past 100 days, the Ohio House of Representatives has barely been a functioning body. It’s evident that Stephens and his blue crew of 22 are woefully unprepared to lead.
Ohioans deserve better than failed leadership and broken campaign promises. We elected a Republican supermajority to see conservative priorities become law. Ohio conservatives hope Jason Stephens will step up and lead, but if the past 100 days are any indication we are not very optimistic.