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Ohio CPAs endorse Kasich

Anyone who follows this blog knows I don’t think endorsements make much of a difference unless there is a little money behind it.

If the organization supporting you spends dollars to communicate your message, it helps. If they don’t, it’s a one day story and doesn’t matter much.

I think the Ohio CPAs in Ohio are an exception to the rule.

Over the course of the discussion in the media about Ohio’s massive budget deficit, the CPAs have been front and center as a fair voice of reason about what needs to be done. And most importantly, the Ohio media seems to trust them.

And today, they endorsed John Kasich:

The group whose leaders said they weren’t going to endorse any state candidate who did not come up with a plan to tackle the looming state budget deficit today endorsed GOP gubernatorial candidate John Kasich.

“John Kasich and (running mate) Mary Taylor have a strong understanding of the changes that need to be made in Ohio to create jobs and attract and retain employers, keep the best and brightest students here, and make government more efficient and effective for Ohio’s citizens and the business community alike,” said J. Clarke Price, the society’s president and CEO, in a statement. “Their past performance in the public and private sectors, and their clear vision for the future of our state, demonstrate that they are the right candidates to lead Ohio toward financial stability.”

When a proven trusted organization endorses your candidate on an issue of such importance to Ohio voters and as high profile as the budget, it matters.

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Third Base Politics is an Ohio-centric conservative blog that has been featured at Hot Air, National Review, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, and others.


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