
Ohio Dems fundraising and attacking in the wake of the Boston tragedy

We’ve all been witness to the horrific bombing attack that took place at the Boston Marathon on Monday. Three people, including an 8 year old boy, were killed and close to 200 were injured.

On Friday night, I listened to Secretary of State Jon Husted spoke at the Lorain County Lincoln Day Dinner. He told us that he and his wife were headed to Boston because she was competing in the marathon. My first thought was the hope that she was OK. (She was.)

Social media was full of condemnation for the perpetrators and prayers for the victims from people of all walks of life. And other than the usual cretins like Michael Moore, partisan politics came to a stop.

Except from the Ohio Democratic Party that is.

Just a day later, ODP Chairman Chris Redfern sent out a fundraising email attacking Republicans. They posted several tweets on Twitter attacking Republicans and Governor Kasich, like this one.

They couldn’t refrain from political attacks for a couple days after a terrorist attack? What’s wrong with these guys?

I suppose we shouldn’t be too surprised. These are the same guys who said that John Kasich and Republicans were responsible for the deaths of children in the Chardon High School shooting. Disgusting.

Back and forth partisan politics is expected between Republicans and Democrats, but at least the Ohio Republican Party has shut it down in the aftermath of the Boston tragedy.

“Out of respect we’ve been quiet and respectful in everything we do, (social media, press, etc.) especially in the immediate aftermath of the Boston terrorist attacks,” GOP spokesman Matt Henderson wrote in an email to The Dispatch. “This political jab could have waited.

“I mean we’re partisan, heck, we created StopOhioJobKillers.com, but it’s downright insulting that Ohio Democrats and Chris Redfern would rather play politics than show respect for those in Boston whose children were ripped apart by shrapnel less than 24 hours earlier.”

ODP spokesman Jerid Kurtz and chairman Chris Redfern apparently have no shame.

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